Medical Artifical General IntelligenCe Lab.

Medical Artifical General IntelligenCe Lab

The Medical Artifical General IntelligenCe Lab (MAGIC Lab) at BTBU is led by Longfei Han, Associate Professor at School of Computer Science, BTBU.


Our group's research develops Deep learning algorithms to enable new capabilities in medical AI and healthcare. We have a primary focus on computer vision tasks, such as large-scale multimodal pretrainer, image recognition, and image segmentation, and developing AI algorithms to perform automated understanding bioinformatics.

News & Updates

We have openings on a rolling basis for a limited number of self-motivated MS or advanced undergraduate students. If you are interested in our group, please send an email to including your interests,CV. We will get back to you in time, welcome to join us!

  1. 06/2024 - 1 paper accepted at MICCAI
  2. 05/2024 - 1 paper accepted at IJCV
  3. 03/2024 - 1 paper published at Neurocomputing
  4. 02/2024 - 1 paper published at AAAI 2024

Selected Publications

Teaser Title Code
Huiqian Li, Dingwen Zhang, Jieru Yao, Longfei Han*, et al. ASPS: Augmented Segment Anything Model for Polyp Segmentation. MICCAI, 2024. Link
Pengfei Cheng, Peiliang Huang, Chenchu Xu, Longfei Han*. Region Guided Transformer for Single Image Raindrop Removal. ACAIT, 2023. Link
Ge Huang, Jieru Yao, Peiliang Huang, Longfei Han*. A Mutual Enhancement Framework for Specular Highlight Detection and Removal. PRCV, 2023. Link
Xinfeng Dong, Longfei Han*, et al. Giving Text More Imagination Space for Image-text Matching. ACM MM, 2023.
Haina Qin, Longfei Han, et al. Learning to Exploit the Sequence-Specific Prior Knowledge for Image Processing Pipelines Optimization. CVPR, 2023.
Haina qin, Longfei Han, et al. Attention-aware Learning for Hyperparameter Prediction in Image Processing Pipelines. ECCV, 2022.
Longfei Han, Dingwen Zhang, Dong Huang, Xiaojun Chang, Junwei Han. Self-paced Mixture of Regression. IJCAI, 2017.
Dong Huang*, Longfei Han*, Fernando De la Torre. Soft-margin Mixture of Regression. CVPR, 2017.